The Operator Of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facility of Guwahati and Lower Assam and Middle Assam.
The Company owns and runs one of the 149 Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities (CBWTF) of the country which is also the first and only CBWTF in the whole NE region. The Ministry of Environment and Forest under the BMW Management Rule has authorized facility which are called CBWTFs, to impart necessary scientific treatment and disposal of Bio Medical Waste generated by the hospitals and healthcare facilities in order to achieve and ensure proper treatment and disposal biomedical waste by setting up treatment facilities like incinerator, autoclave , Microwave systems for treatment of the wastes. The CBWTF of Fresh Air is one of the largest and best performing facilities in the country. This facility is providing service to more than 250 health care facilities (HCF) of Guwahati ,Lower Assam and Middle assam under which the Bio-Medical Waste generated by this HCF is being collected , transported for final treatment and Disposal.